Front Porch Democrats
Who can attend Front Porch Democrats meetings?
While we focus on constituents and residents within Precincts 4141 and 4001, we welcome anyone interested in Democratic principles. All are welcome.
How do the Front Porch Democrats communicate to their constituents?
We meet monthly (check the calendar page) and distribute Blue Notes, an email communication, to those whose addresses are in our database (Sign up here). As we are always seeking new supporters, we also reach out using neighborhood flyers and personal contact.
What if I have an issue I’d like addressed – how do I communicate that to the steering committee?
Contact any member of the steering committee or use the Contact Us page. They will bring the issue to the committee for consideration, and you will be contacted with respect to any next steps, such as the need for more information.
Is there a fee for participating as part of the Front Porch Democrats?
There are no charges or fees, but, of course, we do appreciate donations and have a donation box at meetings should you wish to contribute.
How do I contact my Congressman or other elected officials?
See Documents Page or Links Page
Why join this group instead of just joining the larger Forth Bend Democrats group?
We are not a club. As a Front Porch Democrat, you are a part of the Fort Bend County Democrats. Our group has programs specific to our precincts. There are over 150 precincts in Fort Bend County so our ballots, candidates, and some issues are different from other parts of Fort Bend County. You are always welcome at appropriate events sponsored by either FBC or the Front Porch Democrats.